Mirae Asset MF Great Consumer Fund 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Bandhan Dynamic Bond Reg IDCW

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
24-12-2024 12.5503
23-12-2024 12.5574
20-12-2024 12.5541
19-12-2024 12.5737
18-12-2024 12.6268
17-12-2024 12.6159
16-12-2024 12.6328
13-12-2024 12.6428
12-12-2024 12.6068
11-12-2024 12.6065
10-12-2024 12.6257
09-12-2024 12.6239
06-12-2024 12.5828
05-12-2024 12.6339
04-12-2024 12.6271
03-12-2024 12.5868
02-12-2024 12.5902
30-11-2024 12.5461
29-11-2024 12.5442
28-11-2024 12.5104
27-11-2024 12.5208
26-11-2024 12.5091
25-11-2024 12.5118
22-11-2024 12.4788
21-11-2024 12.4805
19-11-2024 12.5015
18-11-2024 12.5007
14-11-2024 12.4861
13-11-2024 12.5435
12-11-2024 12.5632
11-11-2024 12.5733
08-11-2024 12.5525
07-11-2024 12.5481
06-11-2024 12.5518
05-11-2024 12.5603
04-11-2024 12.5651
31-10-2024 12.5416
30-10-2024 12.5488
29-10-2024 12.5249
28-10-2024 12.4983
25-10-2024 12.5208
24-10-2024 12.5603
23-10-2024 12.5695
22-10-2024 12.5615
21-10-2024 12.5459
18-10-2024 12.5421
17-10-2024 12.5727
16-10-2024 12.6034
15-10-2024 12.5999
14-10-2024 12.5845
11-10-2024 12.5621
10-10-2024 12.57
09-10-2024 12.5809
08-10-2024 12.5559
07-10-2024 12.5096
04-10-2024 12.5156
03-10-2024 12.6067
01-10-2024 12.6472
30-09-2024 12.6105
27-09-2024 12.5879
26-09-2024 12.6561
25-09-2024 12.6233
24-09-2024 12.5747
23-09-2024 12.5529
20-09-2024 12.5403
19-09-2024 12.5483
17-09-2024 12.524
16-09-2024 12.5433
13-09-2024 12.512
12-09-2024 12.4993
11-09-2024 12.4826
10-09-2024 12.4524
09-09-2024 12.4384
06-09-2024 12.428
05-09-2024 12.4353
04-09-2024 12.435
03-09-2024 12.4053
02-09-2024 12.3834
31-08-2024 12.3934
30-08-2024 12.3914
29-08-2024 12.3955
28-08-2024 12.3986
27-08-2024 12.4001
26-08-2024 12.4093
23-08-2024 12.4145
22-08-2024 12.4221
21-08-2024 12.4233
20-08-2024 12.4197
19-08-2024 12.3854
16-08-2024 12.3475
14-08-2024 12.3388
13-08-2024 12.3131
12-08-2024 12.3144
09-08-2024 12.3036
08-08-2024 12.3056
07-08-2024 12.3218
06-08-2024 12.3069
05-08-2024 12.307
02-08-2024 12.2644
01-08-2024 12.2502
31-07-2024 12.2567
30-07-2024 12.2514
29-07-2024 12.2828
26-07-2024 12.2773
25-07-2024 12.2807
24-07-2024 12.27
23-07-2024 12.2629
22-07-2024 12.2764
19-07-2024 12.2597
18-07-2024 12.2462
16-07-2024 12.2375
15-07-2024 12.2187
12-07-2024 12.2065
11-07-2024 12.2086
10-07-2024 12.2125
09-07-2024 12.1968
08-07-2024 12.1929
05-07-2024 12.1769
04-07-2024 12.2045
03-07-2024 12.2113
02-07-2024 12.2004
01-07-2024 12.1959
30-06-2024 12.1983
28-06-2024 12.1947
27-06-2024 12.2114
26-06-2024 12.2072
25-06-2024 12.2101
24-06-2024 12.2283
21-06-2024 12.2256
20-06-2024 12.1945
19-06-2024 12.1904
18-06-2024 12.1474
14-06-2024 12.1246
13-06-2024 12.1003
12-06-2024 12.0754
11-06-2024 12.0692
10-06-2024 12.0534
07-06-2024 12.0493
06-06-2024 12.045
05-06-2024 12.0116
04-06-2024 11.9937
03-06-2024 12.0978
31-05-2024 12.0317
30-05-2024 12.0246
29-05-2024 12.019
28-05-2024 12.0388
27-05-2024 12.052
24-05-2024 12.0346
22-05-2024 12.03
21-05-2024 11.9755
17-05-2024 11.9542
16-05-2024 11.9743
15-05-2024 11.961
14-05-2024 11.9377
13-05-2024 11.9149
10-05-2024 11.898
09-05-2024 11.8707
08-05-2024 11.8574
07-05-2024 11.862
06-05-2024 11.8914
03-05-2024 11.8317
02-05-2024 11.7924
30-04-2024 11.7574
29-04-2024 11.7681
26-04-2024 11.7491
25-04-2024 11.759
24-04-2024 11.7677
23-04-2024 11.7872
22-04-2024 11.7639
19-04-2024 11.723
18-04-2024 11.7537
16-04-2024 11.7568
15-04-2024 11.7698
12-04-2024 11.7519
10-04-2024 11.8264
08-04-2024 11.7938
05-04-2024 11.8424
04-04-2024 11.8684
03-04-2024 11.8651
02-04-2024 11.8617
31-03-2024 11.9404
28-03-2024 11.9374
27-03-2024 11.8865
26-03-2024 11.862
22-03-2024 11.8684
21-03-2024 11.902
20-03-2024 11.8526
19-03-2024 11.8505
18-03-2024 11.8524
15-03-2024 11.8921
14-03-2024 11.8966
13-03-2024 11.9002
12-03-2024 11.9164
11-03-2024 11.9338
07-03-2024 11.9133
06-03-2024 11.8947
05-03-2024 11.8932
04-03-2024 11.8875
01-03-2024 11.8723
29-02-2024 11.8356
28-02-2024 11.8437
27-02-2024 11.8356
26-02-2024 11.8495
23-02-2024 11.846
22-02-2024 11.8527
21-02-2024 11.8626
20-02-2024 11.8533
16-02-2024 11.8267
15-02-2024 11.8458
14-02-2024 11.7824
13-02-2024 11.7895
12-02-2024 11.806
09-02-2024 11.7966
08-02-2024 11.83
07-02-2024 11.8314
06-02-2024 11.8046
05-02-2024 11.7909
02-02-2024 11.8022
01-02-2024 11.7699
31-01-2024 11.6466
30-01-2024 11.6206
29-01-2024 11.6122
25-01-2024 11.5721
24-01-2024 11.5432

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